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"Star Spangled Banner"

National Anthem "The Star Spangled Banner", durante el evento dedicado a la "Herencia Venezolana", donde se realizó un hermoso homenaje de despedida a nuestro querido beisbolista venezolano Miguel Cabrera con la participación de casi 33.000 espectadores. 


Arreglo: Kodiak Aguero

Dirigido por: Maibel Troia

JULY 2023

MUSICA: Billo Frometa
ARREGLO: Angel Sauce

Dirigido por: Maibel Troia

Ensamble 7/4

AUDIO: Vladimir Quintero
VIDEO: Patricia Laine

"The Star-Spangled Banner"

July 4th represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. Its national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner" was proclaimed by the National Congress of the United States of America on March 3rd, 1931.

The lyrics belong to a poem written by Francis Scott Key, adapted from a British folk song by John Stafford Smith "To Anacreon in Heaven". Encantus Voices, conducted by our choir Director Maibel Troia, with deep gratitude, wants to make a tribute to this nation that shelters us, making our dreams come true, and remembering our beloved country, Venezuela, by celebrating American Independence Day.

Kodiak Agüero Orta, a Venezuelan musician, arranger, and photographer, made this wonderful version based on Whitney Houston’s performance in the Super Bowl XXV in 1991 in Tampa, Florida.

"We are the World"

Luego de un año lleno de aprendizajes, reflexiones y crecimiento, Encantus Voices & Ensemble, acompañado por los amigos de Ensamble 7/4 y dirigidos por la Maestra Maibel Troia, compartimos con ustedes este extraordinario arreglo realizado por nuestro querido Maestro Tarcisio Barreto, que nos deja hermosos mensajes de amor, esperanza, renacimiento y agradecimiento a la Vida.


Encantus Voices and Kameristika Chamber Orchestra


- Gloria in excelsis Deo (Chorus)

- Et in terra pax hominibus (Chorus)

- Laudamus te (Sopranos I y II)

- Gratias agimus tibi

- Propter magnam gloriam (Chorus)

- Domine Deus (Soprano)

- Domine Fili unigenite (chorus)

- Domine Deus, Agnus Dei (Contralto and Chorus)

- Qui tollis peccata mundi (Chorus)

- Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris (Contralto)

- Quoniam tu solus sanctus (Chorus)

- Cum Sancto Spiritu (Chorus)

Conducted by: Maibel Troia

Soloists: Elizabeth Quintanales (Soprano) and Adriana Portales (Contralto) 

"Music of Colonial Latin America"
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Abril 2020

"XVIII Century Music from the Mexico City Cathedral" commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Death of Ignacio de Jerusalem (1707-1769). Chicago Arts Orchestra conducted by Javier Mendoza, Artistic Director with special guest, Encantus Voices & Ensemble conducted by Maibel Troia. SOLOISTS: Elizabeth Quintanales, Adriana Portales, Orianna Gutierrez y Carlos Silva. These performances were part of the International Conference on Colonial Music: Music and Arts of Colonial New Spain and represent a new collaboration with FIU's School of Music and LACC. The musical series offers multiple concerts and will culminate with a performance by the Chicago Arts Orchestra in the La Merced Chapel at Corpus Christi Church.

FIU Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Center
June 30th, 2019

Great premiere of the Bolivar Phil, orchestra integrated by talented Venezuelan musicians who were trained in El Sistema and now reside in the United States.
Encantus Voices will participate accompanied by several choral groups of great musical trajectory as Amazonia Vocal Ensemble conducted by Anaida Carquez and Papagayo Ensamble Vocal conducted by Claudio Corsi.
This will be a great event that cannot be missed!

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