sáb, 19 ago
|Hollybrook Pembroke Pines
V Anniversary "Encantus Voices"
Horario y ubicación
19 ago 2023, 9:00 GMT-4
Hollybrook Pembroke Pines, 9720 S Hollybrook Lake Dr, Pembroke Pines, FL 33025, USA
Acerca del evento
Dear Encantus Friends,
We would like to invite you to join us and become a sponsor of Encantus Music for the III Golf Tournament “Encantus Voices V Anniversary,” which will be held on Saturday, August 19th 2023, at Hollybrook Golf and Tennis Club. The shotgun start is scheduled for 9:00 am.
Encantus Music is a non-profit organization rooted in Miami, Florida. Since its establishment in 2018, Encantus has become an integral part of the South Florida cultural movement. It boasts an extensive repertoire that includes complex Renaissance and Baroque pieces and Latin American and contemporary Music. Encantus Voices is conducted by our founder Maestra Maibel Troia, who, among Dr. Jose Antonio Abreu, led the development of the “National System of Choirs” in Venezuela. This program uses music education as a vehicle for social change and has inspired similar programs in almost sixty countries worldwide.
Our mission is to enrich the audience through the teaching and sharing of Music, with all the social, academic, and cultural benefits that come with musical study and performance. The objective of this III Golf Tournament “Encantus Voices” is to invest in the training and development of our choir members.
You can support us through sponsorship at the following levels:
PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP: $300 Sponsor a hole + One (1) player. We will place signage with your brand name and logo on one of the 18 holes at Hollybrook Golf and Tennis Club, which will be seen by all participating golfers (printing and placement included).
GOLD SPONSORSHIP: $250 sponsor a hole. We will place signage with your brand name and logo on one of the 18 holes at Hollybrook Golf and Tennis Club, which will be seen by all participating golfers (printing and placement included).
SINGLE GOLF PLAYERS: Registration $150.00
GUEST: Only pay $50.00
ENCANTUS FRIENDS: monthly donation from Encantus generous friends. Donating money to contribute to our mission will have several benefits (free tickets to our concerts, reserved seats, CDs, post-concert reception, etc.).
We would also greatly appreciate any items for a silent auction and raffle. Your contribution would be highly beneficial to the success of this event.
You may register through our website www.encantusve.com
150,00 US$Venta finalizadaPLATINUM SPONSOR
300,00 US$Venta finalizadaGOLD SPONSOR
250,00 US$Venta finalizadaSPECIAL GUEST
50,00 US$Venta finalizadaDONATE
Encantus Music, Inc. es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Miami, Florida que se ha convertido en una parte integral del movimiento cultural en el sur de Florida. El objetivo de este III Torneo de Golf “Encantus Voices” es invertir los fondos recaudados en la formación y desarrollo de los integrantes de nuestra agrupación coral. Si deseas recibir informacion sobre nuestros proximos eventos suscribete en nuestro website www.encantusve.com/join-us
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